Apr 17, 2019

Nalys Life

The Nalys technical cells turn one!

It's already been one year since Nalys launched its first technical community, called cell. 

The goal of having technical cells was to gather engineers who have the same background and help them share their skills. They can have the same skills but work in different industries and markets. With the cells, they have the opportunity to share their experience in events and trainings and learn from other engineers from different industries. 

Today we have 4 cells on Quality Assurance, Qualification Validation, Linux - Embedded software and Project Management and others might be launched in the coming months. The hope is that soon every engineer will find a community around their expertise. 

But enough said. Watch this 2 minute video to hear the vision of our Nalysians on the subject.

  • Meetup: Embedded Experts talk

    The next meetup of the Embedded systems Belgium community will take place in our offices.  Limited spots available.

  • Nalys Linux Cell is evolving

    The technical cell is planning several new events in the coming months.

  • Happy Birthday Nalys

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