Oct 30, 2018


The Nalys Linux Cell is evolving

One of our technical communities, Linux, decided to move to the next level by organising monthly events on technical subjects ranging from the newest technology to in depth knowledge about ancient tools.

The first event took place in our offices in Brussels on October 24th and was presented by Vincent, one of our own engineers. He went into details on what docker containers are: they are isolated, relatively lightweight and highly portable and provide operating-system-level virtualization, not hardware virtualization like VMs.

This kind of initiative is something that we try to push at Nalys. We want to give our engineers the opportunity to keep growing their expertise and to exchange with people who have the same background. Something that they don't get a chance to do when they only stay at the client's. That is why we have created technical communities gathering consultants who want to get involved beyond their day-to-day jobs. We call those communities Cells.

We currently have 3 cells on Qualification Assurance, Qualification Validation and Linux - Embedded software. Other cells will also be launched in the coming weeks and months with the hope that every engineer can find their own community to keep growing and evolving.