Jan 30, 2019


The Linux cell talks Git

The cell had its last meet up mid-January. Each month they exchange on a different topic, and this time they had a hands on approach on Git. 

Git is a distributed version control system for tracking source code, simplifying collaboration and keeping track of changes in a software project. 

For most software engineers, Git is one of the essential tools they interact with on a daily (hourly, minutely?) basis. So becoming proficient in Git has a great impact on your overall productivity as a software engineer. 

The Linux cell is organizing monthly event, each on a different topic. The Meet ups take place in our offices in Brussels and Gent. The next events will be about Rust, Python, GDB, Yocto...

Stay tuned.

At Nalys, several technical cells have been created to help Engineers keep learning and exchanging among themselves. We currently have 3 cells on Qualification Assurance, Qualification Validation and Linux - Embedded software. The hope is that every engineer find their own community to keep growing and evolving.

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