Jul 3, 2017

Nalys Life

About Nalys career process

We’ve met with Alice, senior HR specialist and Damien, career manager, to talk about Nalys career system. Here come their answer to the 5 most asked questions about career evolution within the company.

What is the aim of the career review?

It’s a career booster time! Great moment to take a step back on the past 6 months, to analyse your performance, your successes and difficulties and discuss with your Career Manager which actions to take to bring your potential to full play!

How to make this career review valuable for me?

Prepare, prepare, prepare! First, fill in the special career survey your manager will send you. Second, prepare the meeting: take the time to think about how Nalys can help you improve. Your career is at stake!

What about the career review meeting?

This review will take place twice a year. During this meeting you can build your 6-months action plan and decide how you will implement it directly with your career manager.

What is the difference between the career review and the annual review?

Every summer, the career review offers the occasion to debrief on your project, your career evolution and to take actions to support them. In December, the annual review is organised to analysis the global performance over the past year and to discuss about salary evolution and career orientation.


One last word?

Make the most of this moment to give your Career Manager feedback on how we can better service you, we are always open to hear where we can make Nalys better.

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