Nov 13, 2019

Librairie technique

Modernizing Continuous Integration infrastructure to a more scalable and fault resilient solution

Nalys Mission

The mission existed out of a redesign of the existing CI infrastructure to decrease build time and increase maintainability and scalability of the performed builds.

About The Project

Project Challenges

  • The old build server was plainly out of date. There was no master-slave architecture and it had become a mix of deprecated and unmanageable plugins. This led to an unresponsive GUI, long build times and security issues.

  • Over time builds became more complex which congested the server, because of the blocking nature of its architecture.

  • Build job configurations were not traceable and everything had to be managed through the GUI where no history or logs where recorded of those changes.

  • Changes could be made by anyone and could potentially lead to bugs with almost no possibility of reversion.

Nalys solution

The solution consists of a couple of measures:

  • What is a TaaS project?

    Proof of Concepts, Demos and Complete Projects, here is everything to know about TaaS

  • Risk Analysis Approach for Computerized Systems 

    The goal: reduce risks in accordance with applicable regulations

  • PDCA: why not a version 2.0?

    How about improving a tool of continuous improvement?