Nov 22, 2022


The 2022 Nalys Institute of Technology is over

The 8-week training program on Embedded Linux and DevOps engineering has come to an end for the 8 trainees taking part in it.

After months of preparation to choose the right skills and content modules, finding the best trainers and recruiting the right engineers, the NIT training program started in September. During 8 weeks, 8 trainees followed technical presentations, did labs as well as soft skills training to have the right approach as a consultant. 

The goal of the NIT and the will behind it has always been to share expertise and to promote learning in a practical form. The program is designed so the participants benefit from the combined experiences of the trainers in a compact 8-week training

Additionally, having trainers who have gone through the NIT themselves a few years back and have now field experience at customers is the best way to teach new engineers the professional approach of software engineering while bringing the extra value of what they learnt during their NIT session. 

Watch the video to understand better the goal of this program dear to our hearts and to hear the former trainees share their experience.

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